Higher Education Logistical Partners, Inc

“Notice of Non-Discrimination”- All services free-of-charge, No membership, No restrictions because of race, creed, sex, age, social or economic status, nationality, country of origin, sexual preference, etc. We subscribe to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination of any kind; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibits discrimination based on disability; and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, which prohibits discrimination based on age.

Higher Education Logistical Partners (HELP) is a 501c(3) “public charity” based in the State of New Mexico. All donations are tax deductible.

“Breaking down the barriers higher education” Email:  [email protected]


Higher Education Logistical Partners, Incorporated

We are your support to get into college, university, or

Our experts offer support and assistance as students navigate through the higher education system in pursuit of post-secondary and career-focused education.

About Us

Higher Education Logistical Partners Incorporated

The primary goal of HELP is to assist participants in successfully navigating the pathway to post secondary education or vocational technical training.

Students will have an overall sense of accomplishments.

We Appreciate Students and parents

in pursuit of higher education or vocational technical training.


Why Choose HELP?

HELP will provide assistance and support for you to be able to achieve your post-secondary higher education goals by successfully navigating the higher education “web.”

Professional Staff

All services are Free of charge.

Help with college/university applications

Help with scholarship applications

Help with FAFSA Applications

Who We Are

HELP Inc. focuses on positioning students to enroll in a
rigorous curriculum and prepares them academically and financially to continue on to postsecondary education.


Who we Serve

HELP Inc. works to bridge the gaps in regional services by offering a full range,
inclusive assistance regardless of socioeconomic standing, race, gender, religion, disability,
sexual preference or immigration status.